Visit to Otero and DA Counties, March , 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman visits Otero and DA Countries in March, 2005

Sunland-Sal's Retirement, August, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman visits southern New Mexico in August, 2005

Student Leadership Institutes, Assets, February, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman visits Student Leadership Institutes in February, 2005

Student Leadership Institutes, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman visits Studnet Leadership Institute in New Mexico in 2005

Roswell Office-SE NM Demo Fundraisers and Visits, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman visits Roswell Office in New Mexico in 2005

Reception, September, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman receiving an award in Washington in September, 2005

Posing for a portrait, April, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman poses with the constituents in Washington in April, 2005

Portraits, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman poses with the constituents in Washington in 2005

Po'Pay Unveiling, September, 2005

These photographs were taken while Senators Bingaman and Domenici speaks at the unveiling of Po'Pay at the US Capitol building in Washington in September, 2005

Office Christmas Tree, 2005

These photographs were taken while Bingaman staffers attend the Capitol Christmas Tree lighting in 2005