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Organ Mountains--Dona Ana County Conservation and Protection Act
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Organ Mountains--Dona Ana County Conservation and Protection Act
S. 1024
(a) Establishment- The following areas in the State are established as National Conservation Areas:
(1) ORGAN MOUNTAINS NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA- Certain land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in Don.AE6a Ana County comprising approximately 84,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled `Organ Mountains National Conservation Area' and dated May 18, 2011, which shall be known as the `Organ Mountains National Conservation Area'.
(2) DESERT PEAKS NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA- Certain land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in Don.AE6a Ana County comprising approximately 75,550 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled `Desert Peaks National Conservation Area' and dated May 18, 2010, which shall be known as the `Desert Peaks National Conservation Area'.
(b) Purposes- The purposes of the Conservation Areas are to conserve, protect, and enhance for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations the cultural, archaeological, natural, geological, historical, ecological, watershed, wildlife, educational, recreational, and scenic resources of the Conservation Areas.