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Senators Warner and Bingaman Introduce Resolution to Urge Government Fuel Conservation Print Share

Friday, May 23, 2008

WASHINGTON – Senators John Warner (R-VA) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) introduced a Sense-of-the-Senate resolution today to urge the federal government to conserve fuel at a time when rising gas prices are affecting American families nationwide.

Each and every day, Americans struggle to cope with the rapid, record increase in fuel costs. In the past month, the average price of gasoline has gone up a penny a day.
When the American public is finding ways to reduce gas consumption by driving less, altering daily routines and even changing family vacation plans during the traditional Memorial Day travel season, the government should join their efforts.

“The purpose of this resolution is to call on President Bush to require all federal departments and agencies to take initiatives to reduce daily consumption of gasoline and other fuels,” said Warner. “The federal government should join in finding ways to use less fuel because, when families of government employees and military personnel are making sacrifices and practicing individual conservation, their government should follow suit.”

“It is important that the federal government show its solidarity with the American people in this time of economic hardship,” said Bingaman, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “Just as individual citizens are finding ways to use less gasoline, the U.S. government should be finding ways to cut its consumption.”