The Legislative Department is the largest of the Washington Office. Legislative Assistants (LAs) and Legislative Correspondents (LCs) work under the direction of the Legislative Director (LD) to counsel me on various federal issues. LCs assist in responding to constituent inquiries regarding those issues.
Legislative interns, depending on their academic background and interests, will assist the LAs and LCs in tracking legislation, drafting policy memos, covering committee hearings, and composing correspondence.
The Press Department is responsible for informing New Mexicans about my activities in Washington and in the state, and keeping them apprised of activity on legislative matters.
Press interns will gain an understanding of the functions of a Senate office though their work with newspaper clippings, radio shows, daily news summaries, and press releases. Opportunities to write news releases may be offered.
All Legislative and Press interns will undertake a research project on a subject they select under the guidance of their supervisor. The results of the project are discussed with me at the conclusion of the session.
All Washington interns regularly assist with other necessary routine support work. Every effort is made to ensure that these tasks are evenly and fairly distributed among the available interns