At a Hearing, June, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in june, 2012

At a hearing, March, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in March, 2012

At a hearing, February, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in February,2012

Reception, May, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends an awards reception for the National Association of Counties (NACo) in May, 2011.

At a hearing, November, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in November, 2011.

At a hearing, July, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in July, 2011.

At a hearing, June, 2011

These were the photographs of Senators Bingaman and Mark Udall while they talk during an Energy Committee hearing in June, 2011.

At a hearing, March, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in March, 2011.

At a hearing, February, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in February, 2011.

At a hearing, January, 2011

These photographs were taken during a hearing in the year 2011.