Washington, DC, USA

At a Hearing, June, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in june, 2012

At a hearing, March, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in March, 2012

At a hearing, February, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a hearing in Washington in February,2012

Armed Services Committee, 2012

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman poses with Armed Services Committee in Washington in 2012

Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman takes part in the building of an adobe house in Washington, DC in the year 2011.

Reception, June, 2011

These photographs were taken at Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group in June, 2011.

Reception, May, 2011

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends an awards reception for the National Association of Counties (NACo) in May, 2011.

Portraits, 2011

These were the photographs of Senator Bingaman and Bill Richardson taken while they pose for a portrait with a group in the year 2011.

Paintings and Artwork, 2011

These were the photograhs of Senator Bingaman while hw sees various pieces of paintings and art in the year 2011.

NM Centennial Celebration, 2011

These were the photographs of Senator Bingaman and his DC staff while they celebrate at New Mexico's centennial in the year 2011.


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