These photographs were taken at the reception following the Senator's first official inauguration in January, 1983.
Senators Bingaman and Corker enjoy lunch at the Southside Cafe in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
Senators Bingaman and Murray are seen at a hearing.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senators Bingaman and Dorgan speak at a hearing.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman speaks at a hearing in one of the Senate Office Buildings.
Senator Bingaman shakes hands with a man in a hearing.
Senator Bingaman shakes hands with a man in a hearing.
Senator Bingaman shakes hands with a man in a hearing.
Senators Bingaman and Barrasso speak with Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar at a hearing.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.
Senators Bingaman and Udall sit with another Senator during a conference call while staff listens in the background.