These photographs were taken at the reception following the Senator's first official inauguration in January, 1983.

Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Shown are graphs explaining R&D investment by different countries over a five-year span.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman speaks with a constituent.
Senator Bingaman speaks with a constituent.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senators Bingaman and Lieberman, along with other senators, pose for a picture.
Senators Bingaman and Lieberman, along with other senators, pose for a picture.
Senators Bingaman and Lieberman, along with other senators, pose for a picture.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman takes a picture with constituents.
Senator Bingaman, Anne Bingaman, and Al Gore take part in Sen. Bingaman's ceremonial swearing-in at the Old Senate Chamber.
Senator Bingaman, Anne Bingaman, and Al Gore take part in Sen. Bingaman's ceremonial swearing-in at the Old Senate Chamber.