Senator Bingaman and his family participate in the annual Silver City, NM Fourth of July Parade.
Broadcast, May, 1985
Constituent Photos , April, 1984
Constituent Photos , August, 1984
Constituent Photos , July, 1984
Constituent Photos , June, 1984
Constituent Photos , May, 1984
Constituent Photos , November, 1984
Constituent Photos , October, 1984
Constituent Photos , September, 1984
Constituent Photos, April, 1983
Constituent Photos, August, 1983
Constituent Photos, December, 1985
Constituent Photos, February, 1983
Constituent Photos, January 1983
Constituent Photos, January, 1984
Constituent Photos, July, 1983
Constituent Photos, June, 1983
Constituent Photos, June, 1985
Constituent Photos, March, 1983
Constituent Photos, May, 1983
Constituent Photos, May, 1985
Constituent Photos, November, 1983
Constituent Photos, November, 1985
Constituent Photos, September, 1983
Family Portrait, October, 1985