These photographs were taken at an SIA reception where in Former Senator Larry Craig, Senator Bingaman, and others give speech in March, 2006.

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman attends a campaign in the year 2006.

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman talks to Tesla Motors representatives and takes a test-drive at Tesla Roadster in April, 2007.

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman talks to people following his ceremonial swearing-in in January, 2007.

These photographs were taken while Staff members take portraits in March, 2007.

These photographs were taken while Staff members take portraits in March, 2007.

These photographs were taken while the Students and Bingaman staff take photos at the Student Leadership Institutes in the year 2007.