
Will I need a passport for domestic flights this holiday season? Print Share

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will I need a passport for domestic flights this holiday season?

The REAL ID Act requires states to tighten requirements related to the issuance of identification cards used for federal purposes, including air travel.  States are required to meet the standards under this law by December 31, 2009.

New Mexico is one of 36 states that will not be in compliance with these standards.  Senator Bingaman and Senator Tom Udall have formally requested that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant an extension to these states, so Congress may discuss legislation aimed at revising the REAL ID Act and ensure that New Mexicans' air travel is not be disrupted.

Though DHS has not yet formally announced its decision regarding the state's request, they have assured Senator Bingaman that New Mexicans do not need passports to travel.  DHS will grant extensions as a last resort for contingencies related to REAL ID implementation.

Please check back in the future for updates on the status of an extension.