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  • Border Issues

    Border Issues

    Maintaining border security requires a multidisciplinary focus on governance, conflict resolution, rule of law, technology, and economic development. Read More »

  • Crime & Justice

    Crime & Justice

    I have consistently supported efforts to provide local, state, and federal law enforcement with the tools they need to combat crime. Read More »

  • Economy


    I have led efforts to promote the scientific and technological innovations that create high-wage jobs. Read More »

  • Education


    I am committed to building an education system that challenges students with high academic standards.  Read More »

  • Energy & Natural Resources

    Energy & Natural Resources

    As Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I am one of the Senate's principal advocates for promoting sound energy policy. Read More »

  • Environment


    I believe we have a responsibility to protect our beautiful environment for future generations. Read More »

  • Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Affairs

    I believe that the United States has a unique opportunity to positively influence the economic development, human rights, rule of law, and trade of other countries. Read More »

  • Health Care

    Health Care

    As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, the panel with sole jurisdiction over Medicaid and Medicare, I am working to improve and expand quality health care in New Mexico Read More »

  • National Security

    National Security

    I am an advocate for an effective, efficient, and modern fighting force. Read More »

  • Science & Technology

    Science & Technology

    I believe that scientific and technological innovations create high-wage jobs, keep us safe, and improve our quality of life. Read More »