
Bingaman Votes Against Tax Bill That the Country Cannot Afford Print Share

Monday, December 13, 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today voted against a tax package that he does not believe the country can afford. He released the following statement:

"This bill does have some useful provisions to stimulate the economy, and I do strongly support extending tax cuts to New Mexicans who need it most.  But this bill goes further than that.  It extends tax cuts to the highest earners and adds a substantial estate tax cut that will make it very difficult for the next Congress to act in a responsible way to our serious deficit situation.  For those reasons, I could not support it."

The bill faces another Senate vote and consideration in the House of Representatives. 

Contact Senator Bingaman's Office:

Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521

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