WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today talked with New Mexico radio reports about the Congressional lame duck session. Bingaman's remarks can be retrieved and followed:
00:00 – Bingaman gives a brief overview of the Senate schedule for the lame duck session.
02:10 – Bingaman talks about a bill that is slated for a procedural vote this week that seeks to provide incentives for electric and natural gas vehicles.
05:37 – Bingaman says there are many important issues that the Congress needs to try to accomplish before looking to next year.
07:23 – Bingaman says that ending tax cuts for the rich and extending them for middle class Americans is the right thing to do.
10:33 – Bingaman says he hopes the Congress will pass legislation to prevent cuts to Medicare reimbursement to doctors and providers.
13:34 – Bingaman talks about a food safety bill that is schedules for a procedural vote this week.
Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521