
Bingaman Disappointed that FISA Bill does not Contain Enough Safeguards for Innocent Americans Print Share

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today said he could not support the Senate’s version of a bill to revise the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, citing concerns that American citizens are not afforded adequate protections. He also cited concerns about a provision in the bill that grants immunity to telecom companies that may have broken the law. 

“Unfortunately, this legislation not only fails to adequately protect the rights of Americans but it also unnecessarily grants telecom companies retroactive immunity for assisting the government with an unlawful wiretapping program. Frankly, I believe we should be doing a better job protecting the liberties of Americans, and for this reason, I could not support this legislation,” Bingaman said. 

The bill, which passed the Senate, will now be the subject of a House-Senate panel. Bingaman said he hopes the bill is improved during final negotiations.

Contact Senator Bingaman's Office:

Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521

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