A series of buzzers heard around the Capitol and in the Senate office buildings tell Senators what is happening on the Senate floor and summons them for votes and quorum calls.
Lights on clocks inside Senate offices correspond with the number of buzzer rings sounded. The red light remains lit at all times while the Senate is in session.
Using the lights on this clock and the chart below, can you tell what was happening in the Senate when this photo was taken?
The Legend of the Bells
1 long ring
Sounds at the hour of convening
1 ring
Yeas and Nays
2 rings
Quorum Call
3 rings
Call of Absentees
4 rings
Adjournment or Recess (End of Daily Session)
5 rings
Seven and half minutes remaining on Yea or Nay vote
6 rings
Morning Business Concluded (lights cut off immediately)