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Crime, Punishment & Prevention

What Works for Youth?

In recent years, juvenile justice issues have once again moved to the forefront of public debate, in part because of the widely reported incidents of violence in American schools. How should we as a society punish a young person once he or she commits a crime?  How can we prevent young people from engaging in crime in the first place? In this seminar, you will play the role of a United States Senator, working with your fellow Senators to resolve the final controversial amendment to a comprehensive juvenile justice bill..

Questions to Consider:

  • What would you change about the way juveniles are treated in the juvenile justice system?
  • Should juveniles be treated as adults for trial and sentencing purposes?
  • What leads juveniles to commit crime?
  • What's the best way to prevent juveniles from engaging in criminal activity?

Materials for this seminar...

  1. Introduction
  2. The Amendment
  3. Issues to Consider
  4. Meet the Seminar Leader, Sunalei Stewart

Outside Resources