WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today talked to New Mexico radio reporters about a bill being debated on the Senate floor that creates jobs, invests in America and puts the middle class first. You can follow Bingaman's remarks with the transcript below:
00:00 – Bingaman talks about some if the tax provisions he helped get included in the economic recovery package being debated in the Senate.
03:02 – Bingaman says he hopes the economic recovery plan that is being debated in the Senate will help creates jobs in New Mexico.
04:56 – Bingaman says the economic recovery package contains safeguards to ensure transparency in the implementation of the bill.
05:56 – Bingaman comments on the financial bailout bill that was passed by Congress last year.
07:12 – Bingaman says he hope the economic recovery packages will have bipartisan support in the Senate.
08:54 – Bingaman says the economic recovery package contains funding for energy research and development.
10:05 – Bingaman comments on the nomination of Senator Tom Daschle to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. (Recorded before Sen. Daschle withdrew his nomination)
11:56 – Bingaman talks about a provision he worked to get included in the economic recovery package that would provide at least $500 million in increased Medicaid dollars to New Mexico.
15:26 – Bingaman talks about a meeting he will participate in with the Senate Democratic Hispanic Task Force to talk about priorities for the new Congress.
Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521