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Intern Program Print Share

Internships are often called "experiential learning" because they offer the chance to learn by doing. Many students find that internships are a valuable way to get "real world" skills and knowledge to enhance their academic studies.

I offer internships year-round in both my Washington and my New Mexico offices. A Washington office internship offers the opportunity to observe the operations of the Senate and its interaction with the House of Representatives and the executive and judicial branches. An internship in one of my state offices provides another perspective on how I help constituents resolve problems with the federal government and how I stay in touch with the people of New Mexico.

Interns are generally undergraduate students who are either from New Mexico or attending school in the state. Students should apply directly to the office in which they want to intern.


Please submit your application during the following dates:

Summer Sessions . . . . . . . January 30, 2012 - March 18, 2012

Fall Session . . . . . . . . . . . . June 28, 2012 - July 15, 2012

DC Internships

I offer internships in my DC office during the spring and fall semester and also for two five-week sessions each summer. Read More »

NM Internships

Internships are offered year-round in my five offices in New Mexico. Read More »

Apply To Be An Intern

You can apply to my internship program and check the status of your application online.  Read More »

Intern Alumni

Former interns in my office represent a variety of background and interests. Read More »