Thursday, June 9, 2011
Achievement Through Technology and Innovation Act of 2011
S. 1178
Achievement Through Technology and Innovation Reauthorization Act of 2011 - Amends title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to rename part D (Achievement through Technology and Innovation) and reauthorize it through FY2017. Requires states to use a portion of their allotted funds under subpart 1 (State and Local Grants) of part D to develop challenging academic content and achievement standards to ensure that students are technologically literate before the end of grade eight. Specifies that such standards are only for tracking technological literacy and not for assessing adequate yearly progress (AYP) under title I. Permits technological literacy testing to be embedded in other state tests or performance-based assessments portfolios, or made through other valid and reliable means.
Latest bill summary and status