CODEL Turkey, March, 2006

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

CODEL Pakistan, March, 2006

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

CODEL Afghanistan, March, 2006

These photographs were taken where in Senators Bingaman and Levin of the Armed Services Committee, along with staff, attend a CODEL in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey in March, 2006.

Trip to Moscow, 2002

These photographs were taken while Senator Bingaman and members of his Energy Committee staff were travelling on a CODEL in Moscow in the year 2002