Video Gallery


All-American City Applications

Jeff Bingaman announces that applications for All-American City Award, Nation’s old and most respected Community Recognition program is open and tells about the eligibility and deadline for the acceptance of applications.

Capitol Challenge

Jeff Bingaman takes part in a Capitol Challenge.

Floor Statement on Flag Desecration

Jeff Bingaman proposes a new amendment on Flag Desecration

Palestinian Dinner Speech

Jeff Bingaman expresses his views on various issues such as Nuclear Energy, Natural Resources and Conservation, Native American Issues.


Anti-Smoking News Conf.

Senator Bingaman appears on a News Conference and talks about the dangerous effects of Tobacco addiction. He introduced a legislation act named "Tobacco Nicotine and Safety Act of 1989".

Spanish Public Service Announcements

This video consists the Spanish Public Service Announcements given by Senator Jeff Bingaman.


Field Hearing on National Parks

Jeff Bingaman attends a hearing wherein he inquires about various issues related to Natural Resources and conservation, Economy and jobs, Native American Issues, Immigration.

Jeff Bingaman for Senate Day Care and Rough Footage

Jeff Bingaman visits children at the Senate Day Care and Rough Footage.

Medicare Coverage

Jeff Bingaman announces about the coverage of Medicare in the hospitals.

Native American Art Display in the Capitol

This video covers the Native American Art Display in the Capitol.
