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Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection

As we embark on the 21st century, many communities continue to struggle with difficult choices about growth.  One leading example is the tension between protecting the environment and creating new jobs.  While some people view these choices as mutually exclusive, you may find the choice is not so black and white. During this seminar we will discuss a simulated community called Simmeon, New Mexico, which is weighing the environmental and economic impacts of a proposed new hydroelectric dam. You will participate in a mock Senate committee hearing to debate these issues.  Your vote as a Senator wil help shape the future for the people of Simmeon.

Questions to Consider:

  • How do you weigh the tradeoffs between environmental protection and economic development?

  • When is one more important than the other?

  • Is there any common ground on these issues?

Materials for this seminar...

  1. Introduction
  2. Simmeon, New Mexico
  3. Letter from the Secretary of Dams
  4. Meet the Seminar Leader, Dan Alpert

Outside Resources