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Defining a healthy community

What makes a person or community healthy? Are the people in your community as healthy and safe as they could be? Does everyone in your community have the opportunity to live a healthy life?

This session will look at the interaction between the health of the individual and the health of the community. Participants will "grade" the health of their community and the sources of health information such as the internet, TV and friends.

Health of both individuals and communities means much more than just an absence of disease; a healthy community includes elements necessary for its residents to lead a high quality life.

Local, state and national leaders are working hard to improve the quality of life for the citizens they represent but the resources are limited. How do our leaders decide what projects to fund with limited dollars? Participants will be able to see first hand how hard it is to prioritize these issues.

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate how individual and community health are interrelated.
  • Define the components of a healthy community.
  • Grade the "health" of a local community.
  • Identify sources of health information and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Discuss the role of individuals and representatives in decision making and policy establishment.

Materials for this seminar...

  1. Overview
  2. Health: A Closer Look
  3. Sources of Health Information
  4. Policy Implications and Decision Making
  5. Meet the Seminar Leaders, Rachel Nuzum and Nancy Falk

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